Support the Nederlandse Orgel Federatie
Do you also want to preserve these beautiful impressive musical instruments for our generation but also for many generations after us?
Support the Dutch Organ Federation (abbreviated N.O.F.)
You can become a member of the NOF and, besides supporting the continued existence of the cultural heritage, you will also receive nice benefits as a member.
You can also do a lot for us as a donor.
If you too would like to contribute to the preservation of theatre organs in the Netherlands, you can do so by becoming a member.
You can do this in the following ways.
1. Register by filling in the form below.
2. Send us a note (or email) with the following information:
Name, address, postcode, city and date of birth (preferably also your email address and bank account number).
Please send this note to:
Please do not send any money, but wait for the letter explaining how to pay.
The contribution for membership of the N.O.F. is € 30,-- for a whole calendar year.
If you register during the calendar year, a payment for the remaining number of months is sufficient.
Your membership will start on the day that your contribution is credited to our bank account.
Your membership offers you the following:
- discount on the entrance fee for concerts organised by the N.O.F.
- identical discount for all your guests
- four times a year the (quarterly) magazine 'NOFiteiten'.
Incidentally, as a member you are not obliged to tinker with organs, for example.
We would appreciate your presence at the General Members' Meeting. Then we can also hear your opinion.
Want to make a donation?
You can also become a donor to the N.O.F. Of course, every donation is very welcome, but if you want 'something more', that is also possible.
With a donation of at least € 30, we will send you as a 'beneficiary member' a Friends Pass that is valid for one year.
This Friends Pass offers the following benefits:
- discount for yourself on the entrance fee of concerts organized by the N.O.F.
- you will also receive the magazine 'NOFiteiten' four times a year.
If you would also like to receive a Friends Pass, please send us the donation form with your details.
Payment details
Termination of membership
Membership is valid for a calendar year. It will be automatically extended by one year at the end of the year if the secretary has not received your cancellation by letter or via the cancellation form on this website before 1 December.
In case of later cancellation, you will owe the contribution for the entire new year without discount.
Your privacy
Your personal data is processed by the Dutch Organ Federation for membership management and organisation of activities based on the contractual relationship resulting from your registration and to keep you informed of our activities based on our legitimate interest to draw attention to our activities around theatre organs.
If you do not want us to process your data for this purpose, it is sufficient to inform us of this via the contact form on this website. You can also use this form to ask which data we process about you and to improve or delete it or request that it be transferred. A comprehensive overview of our policy on the processing of personal data can be found on this website under Frequently Asked Questions.
You can also become a member or donor via the red buttons below.

Many member benefits
Members receive discounts on events.
Members receive a glossy magazine.
Members support the continued existence of the theatre organ

In addition to becoming a member of the NOF, you can also become a donor (make a donation).
Ask u about the possibilities.

Professional technical teams
Theatre organs always need maintenance. Our technical team members revise, maintain, voice and tune the organs.

The Dutch theatre organs
The NOF maintains various Dutch theatre organs such as the Standaart, but also Compton, Wurlitzer and Strunk are managed by the NOF.

Expert management
The board members are all-rounders. The NOF has expert board members in legal, administrative and technical areas.

The NOF organizes various events such as concerts, family parties or open days where you are also invited to play the organ yourself
Our Goal
The Dutch Organ Federation (NOF) is a national association that aims to preserve the remaining theatre, cinema and studio organs in the Netherlands.
Theatre organs have a technique that is visible, impressive, educational and stimulates great creativity for us and our children. This keeps us curious.
The Dutch Organ Federation (abbreviated name: NOF) is registered with the Tax Authorities as a public benefit organization (ANBI)